Remodeling your existing home, or building a new home or ADU from the ground up, are...
Remodeling your existing home, or building a new home or ADU from the ground up, are...
Repaint the exterior: It’s amazing what a new coat of paint will do to make...
How awesome is it to live in Southern California? Because SoCal is essentially the epicenter...
Owning a home means taking pride in it, especially here in Southern California with our amazing weather and lifestyle. Just saying that you own a home in Burbank or Pasadena or Glendale is something to envy.
Because you take pride in your home, you may want to remodel to spruce it up and keep it looking its best. When you do, examine the credentials of your contractor. Unlicensed contractors in Southern California are everywhere and they are nothing short of dangerous – to your bank account, to your resale, and to your safety.
Get your remodeling done by licensed professionals or else it’s a countdown to big problems.
The entire reason for having a licensed contractor is to ensure that all remodeling/construction work complies with codes set by local housing authorities. Here in Southern California, these codes
For your home, remodeling like a Hollywood celebrity home doesn’t have to break the bank. You don’t need a mansion, just good ideas. Here are some simple home remodeling ideas to help you keep up not only with the Joneses, but also the Pitts, DiCaprios and Depps.
Whether you’re flipping through the pages of Architectural Digest or browsing online through the homes of your favorite stars, something present in almost every celebrity home is built-in
Have you already abandoned your New Year’s resolution about the gym or your eating habits? Then it’s never too late to make a new one that you can turn into reality. Invest in that long-overdue home remodeling.
Don’t let the following 5 home remodeling ideas go unfulfilled like other New Year’s resolutions. Use each one to improve your home’s functionality, aesthetics and long-term value.
New and updated landscaping improves your home’s curb appeal and adds the “wow factor”. This is the kind of exterior remodel that makes a home stand out in