Remodeling your existing home, or building a new home or ADU from the ground up, are...
Remodeling your existing home, or building a new home or ADU from the ground up, are...
If you and your family are movie lovers and think there is nothing more fun...
While a designer is not strictly necessary when remodeling your home, it is recommended to help...
Los Angeles has long been home to the music industry and independent artists and musicians. The...
Design-build contractors have an edge on the competition. Here at RWT we can design your bath/kitchen remodel, addition and new home and build from these design drawings. The advantage of being a design build contractor is that we are able to control and maintain the design features you envisioned from the beginning and use the highest quality material and expert craftsman ship that fits your specific budget,
A bid job consists of the anticipated (worse case scenario) labor and materials to do the job plus the contractor’s profit and overhead added in to the total.
A cost plus job consists of the actual labor and materials plus the contractor’s profit and overhead.
With today’s economy every one is trying to save money and that includes money on home remodeling. Cost plus can be a viable way to achieve this. However, you must trust your contractor implicitly. By doing a job on a bid basis the thing you must consider is that the contractor has to bid worse case scenario for your home remodeling project.
Musicians and recording engineers can save tens of thousands of dollars by building an in-home recording studio.
With the cost of professional studios rising building your own in- home recording studio can be a viable option.
First thing you should do is check with your local government agency to make sure your recording studio can be legally permitted and installed.
Next, put together a budget of what it is you would like to spend on your recording studio. Note, a min budget of 5,000 would be needed to even get started and 20,000 to 50,000 would be the average cost for a home recording studio.
With the increasing cost of energy these days, it is becoming more and more economical to install the latest technology in water heating.
The tankless water heater has been around now for over 10 years and the systems have proven their cost saving benefits as well as their reliability. With potential savings over 50% on your current water heating bill, a new tankless water heater can virtually pay for itself within 2-5 years.
Many customers while remodeling their homes, decide to install the tankless water heater, which in some cases saves them time, depending on the home remodeling which is being performed.
Maintenance on your electric solar system is simple but must be done routinely in order for your system to be effective.
Every 3 months it is necessary to have someone clean the surface of each solar module. The first thing you will need is a supply of clean, soft cotton rags and a hose (with a pistol grip sprayer) long enough to reach your solar array. Note; make sure whoever is providing the service is good on ladders and not afraid of heights.
With all the rain this season it is important to make sure you do routine roof and flashing maintenance.
Hidden water damage and leaks can cost thousands of dollars if not properly located and repaired. Where as routine maintenance and repair can be very inexpensive.
The most obvious is water stains on the walls and ceilings. Instead of painting over these stains you need to have a professional come out and determine if further damage has been caused by the leak.
Termites, dry rot and mold can result from an unresolved leak source.