Home Remodeling

Reading This Could Save You Thousands on Remodeling Your SoCal Home

Beware of Unlicensed Contractors!

Owning a home means taking pride in it, especially here in Southern California with our amazing weather and lifestyle. Just saying that you own a home in Burbank or Pasadena or Glendale is something to envy.

Because you take pride in your home, you may want to remodel to spruce it up and keep it looking its best. When you do, examine the credentials of your contractor. Unlicensed contractors in Southern California are everywhere and they are nothing short of dangerous – to your bank account, to your resale, and to your safety.

Get your remodeling done by licensed professionals or else it’s a countdown to big problems.

Code Compliance

The entire reason for having a licensed contractor is to ensure that all remodeling/construction work complies with codes set by local housing authorities. Here in Southern California, these codes

Top Ways to Give Your Home a High Tech Makeover

Let’s immediately put a myth to rest: high tech homes are not just for the wealthy.

An efficient and automated home is far more affordable and achievable than ever before.

Isn’t it time to spoil yourself with a high tech home remodel? Especially when upgrades can save you money while making life so much more convenient.

For Starters… Integration

Smartphones, tablets, and touch panels that are either handheld or built in can be used to operate so many things: lighting, home security systems, heating and air conditioning, home theater,

Ask the Experts: I Might Sell Soon – Is it a Good Time to Remodel?

Owning a home is a wonderful thing. Selling it, however, can be stressful. Should you remodel to sell your home? Remodeling can either net you a decent return or it can mean cash out of your pocket.

This is your home and you want to get the most out of the sale, so the idea of remodeling is about earning a larger return. But is it a good time? Is it worth the cost?

What Are the Comps?

Before you remodel to sell your home, look into the comparative listings (sold and for sale) in your neighborhood. Compare homes of similar age and size. Study what each have in common and what’s different. From here, you’ll get your first idea of what specific home remodeling projects will produce return on investment (ROI).

Big Projects vs Small

When you remodel to sell your home, you need to think about a realistic return. At a time like this, a major remodeling

Copper is the ‘It’ Metal for Home Restoration in 2015

Move over granite, stainless steel, tiles, aluminum, and brushed nickel. 2015’s ‘it’ material for home restoration is copper!

Copper is amazing for so many things in home remodeling and restoration. Use it to make your home look awesome and increase its value at the same time.

Remember: copper is 100% recyclable!

Durable, Low Maintenance Copper

First, copper is so durable. It’s great for areas that are exposed to the elements, like gutters, flashing and downspouts. They look incredible, won’t sag or weaken, and can handle any weather condition. On top of that, they are very low maintenance.

Over time, copper develops what’s called a patina (the green look), which even reforms

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